Author: Jameson

In contrast to many developments in software architecture and technology, workflow management systems have massive effects on the daily work for their users. The method of data storage and whether the program was developed with a procedural programming language or an object oriented programming language are relevant only for system designers and developers; these implementation aspects do not matter for the users of these systems. Therefore, special care has to be taken in the rollout of workflow applications; early participation of users in the design of these systems is important to avoid user acceptance issues. Workflow management system Workflow management…

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Process orientation in general and business process management in particular are parts of a larger development that has been affecting the design of information systems since its beginning: the evolution of enterprise systems architectures. Systematic model Enterprise systems architectures are mainly composed of information systems. These systems can be distinguished from software systems in the area of embedded computing that control physical devices such as mobile phones, cars, or airplanes. Business process management mainly deals with information systems in the context of enterprise systems architectures the guiding principle of this evolution is separation of concerns, a principle identified by Edsger…

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Introduction There is an abundance of digital technology available that can help students grasp ideas (through simulations and games such as Drift Hunters, for instance), argue about ideas, and represent ideas in communicable form. All of these can play useful roles in Knowledge Building, but they do little to help students with what we have pointed to as the essence of creative knowledge work in modern times: students taking collective responsibility for idea improvement. This is not something that comes naturally to people, the way curiosity and argumentation do. Social support is needed. A classroom norm of continual idea improvement…

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Along with the process of social transition, educational transformation, and spreading of ICT in society, the development of ICT in education in China mirrors its international development. If we consider the proclamation that “computer education should start from children” by Deng Hsiao-ping as the starting point of ICT in education in China, it can be divided into four phases: (1) Instruction of computing as a discipline starting from the end of 1970s, (2) Computer assisted instruction and management starting from the middle and late 1980s, (3) national initiatives focused on ICT construction of infrastructure in education since late 1990s, (4)…

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In order to drive the development of society, it is the necessary to improve the overall quality of laborers. Many changes and characteristics of laborer’s quality are presented along with social transition and economy development. With the development of ICT, practices of innovative instruction began to emerge constantly, which aim to enhance education quality. Those practices include Flipped Teaching and Knowledge Construction with mobile devices such as tablet computer, etc. These new teaching methods not only promote students’ learning and understanding but also improve qualities of instruction. Flipped teaching Flipped teaching transforms the teaching process of traditional classroom. Students study…

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At present, China has more than 10 million teachers, but the teachers’ shortage is still critical. Thus, the share of teachers becomes a necessary and vital issue in China. The way of long distance live-transmission turns teaching resources into high-quality digital resources to share for a larger scale. In China, the model of long distance live-transmission classroom has been widely recognized, which makes schools share qualified teachers to solve the teachers’ shortage. Scenario In China, teachers’ level and education level has a large gap between different areas. In order to take high-quality resources to rural and remote areas, the school…

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If you don’t plan on using Interface Builder in a particular project, you can remove support for it entirely from the project. Instructions to accomplish this follow. After following these steps, your project will no longer use Interface Builder NIB files to obtain any of its information about the default layout of your UIs. This means you’ll need to code in support for windows, views, and other objects yourself. The next chapter will guide you through these objects. You’ll still be able to instantiate views from NIB files using the NIB-specific initialization methods you’ll learn. Developer Interface Builder is a…

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The final part of this essay is a short case study which is intended to demonstrate the kind of empirical analyses which might provide some answers to Davis’ question: What does the shortened hemline or double breasted suit mean to those, who, cautiously, are among the first in their social circle to adopt them? How do these meanings, elusive or inchoate as they may be, relate to the meanings that proceeded and will follow them in the fashion cycle? Why do some new meanings (read fashion) ‘click’ while other ‘fizzle’? Categories Part of my work as a designer with the…

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Cultivating Creative Ability Cultivating creative ability is the most urgent task of education in the social transformation. Social transformation is the transition process from traditional to modern in which social economic structure, people’s behavior and value system may change obviously. It can also make students become the creative talents in the twenty-first century and promote education reform and social transformation. Visit Here: Comment on Instagram Maker Education The Maker Movement is a technological and creative revolution underway around the world. Maker Education is a new way of cultivating creative ability. Under the guidance of teachers, students find problems in daily…

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Introduction The deconstruction of image or product as text lies at the heart of any totalizing definition of a cultural studies methodology. In direct opposition to traditional art and design history and literary criticism methods, cultural studies offers a way of studying objects as systems rather than as the simple product of authorship. Borrowed from European structuralism, most specifically the work of linguist Ferdinand de Saussure, 11 the theory of language “looms as the most essential of cultural studies concepts, either in its own right, or through being appropriated as a model for understanding other cultural systems” (Turner 1996). Structures…

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