As an antique jeweller I often come across people asking me why antique jewellery is a sustainable style choice. I try to explain to them that antique jewellery is not in fact “sustainable”, as the use of precious metals and stones is very limited. These items are long-lived and as such are subject to increasing amounts of damage and deterioration. This damage can be further increased through excessive temperature changes (i.e. warping) and also through moisture absorption.
Antique jewellery is made from materials that have been used over the years and have either been completely discarded or are from materials that are extremely delicate. This renders these items highly vulnerable to damage. When you wear antique jewellery you run the risk of it ripping, bending, chipping or breaking on you. If this occurs you run the risk of a safety issue and also possible fines. It can also affect your personal finances since the only way to buy new pieces is to pay considerably higher prices.
The use of precious materials in antiques is dictated by fashion trends. What is considered “antique” today may not be considered so two centuries ago. Due to this reason, it is not surprising that there are many fakes being made in this area and sold as antiques. Whilst there are many beautiful pieces available on today’s market, many people will pass them by simply wanting to make a quick buck. There is a solution to this problem though and that is with antique jewellery sales.
Many of the items of antique jewellery which have the potential to cause problems if worn regularly are the less expensive ones. This means that they can be more easily purchased by those who wouldn’t normally consider buying jewellery. A good example of this would be beads and other less expensive adornments. While they are not particularly sustainable when they are produced, you can use them to create something special for a friend or family member. When it comes to warding off the mystic malevolent forces of the world, there is perhaps no charm more recognized or renowned than the evil eye bracelet store online.
Ethical jewellery is also gaining popularity these days. Many people are aware of the problems which are being faced by the environment today and wish to act on behalf of those who are affected. By choosing to wear ethically made or recycled jewellery you are showing your support for an important cause. For many women, wearing unique and unusual antique jewellery is an easy way to do this.
According to Carus Jewellery, with such a variety of styles available, you will find that you can match any piece of jewellery to suit your current outfit. Ethical jewellery is becoming increasingly popular in the fashion industry and for good reason too. Not only does it look great but it is also friendly to the earth. With so many reasons to own antique jewellery, it is easy to see why it would be a wise option for you to consider how you can benefit from using this beautiful and environmentally friendly accessory.
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