Successful trade show planning involves planning, imagination, and tenacity. The amount of effort put into a trade show ultimately determines its success rate, even if most business-to-business (B2B) businesses gauge the event’s performance by the leads, prospects, and return on investment (ROI) that are generated. An organization must invest a lot of money in trade exhibitions. Therefore, you need analytics to back up your claim that it is a successful marketing strategy.
Here are a few recommendations to make your trade show displays successful:
Solidify the sales and executive teams
Communication is a useful tool for trade show preparation. Regular attendees at trade exhibitions include the marketing, sales, and executive teams. In the run-up to the event, make certain that everyone is informed and on the same page.
Calendars for everyone should include meetings and booth hours. To make sure everything is covered and expectations are clear, create a logistics document.
Plan ahead of time
Make your plans well in advance of the appointed time. This is one of the most crucial things you can do before a trade show. There is never a bad time to begin. Provide your employees with the travel dates so they may reserve flights before the price increases. Before the hotel sells out, reserve blocks of rooms.
Planning for the pre-show advertising is essential in addition to event logistics. Around the time of the event, are you releasing a new product? During the show’s week, do you have any significant news to share?
Schedule meetings before the show
I have participated in and implemented the most successful trade exhibitions where sales and marketing collaborated to organize booth visits with potential clients, customers, and business partners in advance. Set a reasonable objective for your team (for instance, use the number of already booked meetings from last year as your benchmark and raise it by 25%).
Stay active on social networking sites
Before, during, and after the event, upload pictures from the event to your social media accounts. Encourage visitors to stop by your booth to participate in a giveaway, pick up a prize, or see a demonstration. For easy identification by attendees, make sure to add your booth number and the event’s hashtag.
Follow-up after the show is essential. Within 48 hours after the event’s conclusion, make sure all leads are shared with your sales team and submitted to your customer relationship management (CRM) system.