Getting into a car accident can be a huge headache. It invites various financial burdens, from huge medical bills, expensive vehicle repair costs, other property damage costs, and increased insurance premiums. If you decide to hire a car accident attorney to fight for your compensation, you must also take care of the legal fees.
To lower your burden, you can opt for mediation instead of litigation or taking your case to court. Mediation resolves legal cases quicker and within a much lesser budget. If you were injured in a car accident caused by someone else, speak to an attorney to determine whether mediation would be the right choice. Click here to learn more.
Resolving car accident disputes through mediation
Gather all the decision-makers in one room.
To achieve a successful mediation, ensure all the decision-makers from each part are present in the room. When you discuss your problems and possible solutions, you want to ensure that everyone present has authority over the final decision. For example, the insurance adjuster may say they need to confirm with their manager before making a certain decision. Only people who have complete authority should be there.
The mediator does not have authority over the final decision.
Remember that the mediator is only a neutral third party who helps the parties to make a decision that works best for both of them. They can listen to your side of the story, needs and wants, and suggest a solution when you and the other party cannot do so on your own. However, they do not have the authority to make the last decision. It depends on you and the other party.
Select the mediator carefully.
You and the other party can choose a mediator together. This part of the process is crucial because the quality of your mediator decides the outcome. Make sure the mediator is experienced in car accident cases and has at least ten years of experience. Remember that mediation differs from fighting a court case and requires different skills. Most importantly, the mediator should not be “taking sides” and stay neutral throughout the process.
Do not opt for mediation unless the other party wants to settle.
Successful mediation can only happen if the other party recognizes that they caused the accident and must compensate you for their negligence. Determine whether the other side genuinely wants to resolve the claim and pay for your damages. If not, you will just be wasting your and their time. Mediation sessions can cost up to $500. Thus, it will also be a waste of money.