In a company, every employee has different areas of expertise, skills and knowledge. Many a time, an employee may show poor performance and hence, the manager has to look into the reasons and the solutions to improve his performance. To achieve this, it is suggested to write a performance improvement plan and the employee should understand how to beat a performance improvement plan and show achievements at the workplace. It is important to understand if these plans work for all employees. Let’s get into the merits and demerits of PIP in detail.
Pros of a performance improvement plan
Let’s discuss how it can help employees working for a company. Some of the benefits of this plan are:
- If they arise for an employee, he can understand that there is an issue with his performance. That’s why, he can take the necessary actions at the right time. it helps them recover without future deteriorating their performance any further.
- In these plans, the direction to improve his performance are elaborated. They don’t feel what they need to do once their poor performance has been detected. They can easily improve with these directions and guidelines.
- If the PIP is executed in the right manner, it can result in the improved performance of the employee and he will be able to feel motivated. It has also been noticed that his productivity at work will increase to a great extent.
- With this, employees feel empowered and responsible for their own actions.
- Employees can trust their managers because they feel that they are being treated fairly.
Cons of a Performance Improvement Plan
It is important to look into the cons of a PIP. They have been listed below:
- The employee may feel deviated from the routine tasks because he has to work on his improvement plan as well.
- Many employees feel demotivated because they have to work on additional tasks. They may feel that they are different from others.
- They might feel overstressed at work and get into conflicts with other employees and managers as it is not easy to handle this face.
- Some employees don’t like to be addressed as poor performers. They may start to look for other job options.
- Such plans require a lot of effort, time and patience from employees, managers and HR professionals.
It is always a good idea to discuss with your manager or boss about your performance and ways to improve it.