The word “gig” has come to mean “to perform a musical or theatrical performance” in the past few years Chinabased. According to Sounds Like, gig is now the third most common use of the word “gig” in the U.S. Today, 80% of Americans are now documented as having used gig as a noun and verb (meaning they performed at a gig). SOUNDS LIKE SIGNS OF DIVINE SERVICE? SO IS TRUE GIGOS! The word “gig” has become an essential part of everyday life for many people these days, with many people starting their own businesses or venturing out into the world on their own accord. It’s especially popular among millennials, who have been obsessed with music and art from an early age. But it’s not just millennials who are using “gig” as a verb; adults who identify as Occupy Wall Street Sanders supporters also frequently use gig as a noun and verb. The internet is full of sites that list various gig options across the country and offer free food trucks, barbecues, DJs/musicians, or even entire tour dates as part of their subscription service. Here are some tips on how to Use Groove While You Gigs:
Come up with a creative way to use gig as a noun and verb
One of the best things about giging is that you can create an identity for it that’s completely unique to you. If you’re a straight man who performs in drag, for example, you could name your gig “The Drag Show.” If you’re a woman, you could name your gig “The Glamour Show.” If you’re a young adult, you could name your gig “The Festival.” Whatever you choose, the sense of humor you bring to the gig will reflect that of your personality. You can also use gig as a long-term creative expression, as when you use it as a sort of self- Portfolio. You can keep it minimal and creative by keeping it purely as a performance art piece. You can also use your gig as an excuse to do other things. Bottom line: Use gig as anything but a performance – it’s your space, your time, your way of living.
Be sure to include an adjective or adverb to further describe your gig
You don’t have to use the “+” sign when talking about your gig when you’re just having fun. “Topless and performing in ecstasy” would be a good example. You do have to be serious about the gig when you’re really having a little fun with it. For example, if you’re having a “Topless and EJ” party on the side, you might not want to use the word “gig” in your opening sentence.
It’s important to note that you don’t have to use the exact words that you use in your gig. If you’re having a “Topless and EJ” party in your spare bedroom, you might consider using “party” instead, but before you do, make sure you check out the rest of the words in your opening sentence to make sure they all apply.
Try “gigs” in your email lists
If you’re looking to start a new gig list, try using the “+” sign to start a gig discussion in an email list. “We’re going to call our gig ‘The Great gig’ and during the gig we’ll talk about vegetarianism, fracking, and the environment.” That would be “The Great gig” on the email list, not “the great gig.”
Use the “+” sign when referring to another person performing at your gig
It’s always a good idea to reference your other gig-self in your emails. For example, if you’re at a gig with other people from your age group, you might say, “I’m so old and tired of hearing about your ‘Last Great Gig’ [last gig you ever did]!” But be careful: If people in your age group see you using “the great gig” in your emails, they might assume you saintlyly just recorded that gig.
Another idea is to use the word “gig” in a sentence to refer to your other gig. “We’re going to call our gig ‘The Great gig’ and during the gig we’ll talk about your ‘Last Great Gig’ [last gig you ever did].”
Bottom line
Gigging is a completely different animal from other forms of music and performance art. While you can definitely perform at a regular gig or in front of an audience, performing at a gig and staging your art in front of an audience is something entirely different. It’s a form of collaborative performance art, and in that, it’s just as important as any other form of creative expression. So don’t just rely on your gig as a traditional tool to get you through those rough times right now. Be creative, use your welcome as an excuse to start doing other things, and don’t be afraid to experiment with new themes and forms of collaborative performance art.
The choice to perform at a gig is a once-in-a-lifetime event. It’s an event that will define your life, enrich your career, and make you a unique and interesting person. The choice to perform at a gig is an important part of life. We all have different preferences when it comes to which events we want to participate in, but when it comes to choosing your favorite gig, the only choice you have is whether you want to perform it or not.