So this past weekend I decided that it was Chinacimpanu. It’s been a while, right? You know how it is with moving forward and continuous improvement? You start getting used to the new routine and you wonder if it will ever again be as easy as going to work every day. However, my 6-year-old daughter made me promise not to think about work for the rest of the week. Otherwise, she would put me in danger! So, on Friday night, instead of thinking about going home and relaxing for the first time in a loooong time, I thought about why on earth I don’t just relax every single day and go back to enjoying life. Well… because that’s what my parents did! They never thought about working or never even considered going back to work. But now that they have kids of their own, they are slowly starting to come around to having some kind of physicaljob (working being one). So what do you do when you no longer want or can’t imagine living at home alone? Get your kids involved! And hooray for us!
What to do when you no longer want to be at home
Well, for one thing, you need to get over the extreme competitiveness that you displayed as a child. You also need to come to terms with the fact that you will never be a supermodel or a movie star or even, in your own words, “the average person.” You need to accept that you will never be material, that you are not special enough to deserve anything, and that everything you love is what God creates around you. You also need to come to terms with your mortality and the fact that things will happen in life that will take away the joy that you once had. You need to find what you love to do, and do it! Because if you don’t, your kids are going to ask you to do it, and you will have to choose between them and the job. All you have to do is to take a deep breath, think about what you actually love to do, and pick up the phone and call the person you love. If they are willing to give you a real job, then do it! If not, then find what you love to do and do it!
Play Games
You don’t have to be a professional athlete to enjoy Ozzfest, or Little League, or Little League Baseball. You don’t have to be a doctor to enjoy your favorite hobby, or even a hobby that you have always wanted to pursue. What you need to do is find something that you love to do and do it well. Even if you don’t have a specific profession in mind, like learning to cook or playing a sport you enjoy, finding something that you can do well enough and becoming interested in can provide you with the necessary skills to continue to work as a family doctor.
Read Something Different
It used to be that if you wanted to learn something new, you had to read it by ear. Nowadays, you can find online books that are almost exactly like the book you would want to read, with one exception. They usually have a lot of pictures, which is great if you are a visual learner and want to keep your mind from wandering, but can be a little intimidating for a non-reader. Luckily, there are a few options for books like this. If you are a visual learner and have difficulties reading written material, there are services like ESM (encyclopedia of the mind) that can help you understand what is happening in other people’s heads, what ideas are being expressed, and even teach you how to interpret.
Do something You’ve Always Wanted To Do
As your kids grow older, you will start to realize that taking care of yourself is more important than ever. It is never too late to get started on a healthier you, and with the right support and inspiration, you can continue to do whatever it is that you love to do. One of the things that people who are working hard never stop doing is talking to their kids about themselves. Whether it be talking to your 5-year-old about how you feel about your job or your favorite sport, or even talking about your family history, people will continue to talk about you. It can be a great way to learn more about yourself and your family history and to give yourself the gift of self-esteem that you so desperately need.
Celebrate A Good Thing
First things first, celebrate the good things that you have in life. If you are career down-ward spiraling, or in need of a when-for-ever-we-will-never-more dream, celebrate the things that make you happy. If you are a management consultant who has been in business for a long time and is always looking for new challenges, celebrate the things that make you successful. Celebrate the things that make you happy because they are reminders that you are still existent and have something to offer.
Make Something Hilarious
As your kids get older, they are going to start to realize that creating their own material is much more fulfilling for them than having their brilliant creative minds turn out million-dollar ideas for them. So, don’t put the responsibility for creating material for your kids to manage. Instead, use your children’s creativity to handle the tedious tasks, like choosing the good designs from the bad designs, and assigning colors and numbers to make sure that your ideas come to life.
Take a Day Off From Work
If you have been working full time as a family doctor for the past few years, you are probably used to dealing with the financial demands that come with it. You probably have a budget that you have been keeping in mind for months, and you have a plan B if things do not work out the way you want them to. However, for some people that does not work out, and they are forced to go into debt to make ends meet. There are plenty of ways that you can take a day off from work and take advantage of this perk. You can take advantage of the fact that some businesses do not pay employees at night, or during weekends. You can also take advantage of when companies are hiring and there is no work to do. If you can take a day off from work, or at least take some of your energy and energy-related demands with you, then you will be able to relax and unwind a little bit before you get back to work.
You may have heard that your child is turning off the computer and going home, and that is perfectly normal. However, you should take another deep breath and try to remember why you are having that particular reaction. It is best to keep your thoughts to yourself, and to keep your mind relatively clear, when you are taking this time off.