When you are looking for a new energy provider, it sometimes can be quite a search. There are a lot of energy providers out there and it is often difficult to sort everything out. Fortunately, you don’t have to do all this yourself; there are various websites where you can compare energy providers quickly and easily. This way you don’t have to spend hours searching the internet yourself to compare all energy providers. This saves you a lot of time, work and energy.
Easy switch
EasySwitch.nl is one of the many websites where you can compare energy providers. You can fill in a few details in a calculation tool. This works simply and quickly, with a few clicks of a button the results roll right out. No difficult, complicated and long questionnaires but just a simple and clear answer. Then you can start comparing and find out which energy provider best suits your situation and personal wishes. When you have a clear picture of the different energy providers, their subscriptions and what the monthly costs will be for you, you will know what the cheapest energy provider Netherlands is for your specific situation.
Energy saving tips for home
When you have found a suitable energy provider, you still want to try and keep the costs as low as possible. Therefore I give you some super handy tips to save money on your energy bill. Some tips may be a bit obvious but, in many cases, it’s because of this that people tend to forget them. Here come my ultimate home energy saving tips:
- Turn off your lights, when you leave a room turn off the lights. It’s a small action but if you make it a habit it can definitely save money.
- Also turn off your devices such as the television or laptop when you are not using them for a while. Even if you take a 15 minute break, at least put your laptop on sleep mode. Every little bit helps and together they make a difference.
- Turn down the thermostat a little and wear an extra sweater, besides saving money this is also healthier. In a room where it is slightly colder and there is air circulation, you can think better. Win-win so!
- Turn down the thermostat before bedtime or set it automatically. Advantage, you sleep better in a colder room.
- Open the curtains as soon as you wake up and keep them open as long as possible. This way you don’t have to turn on the lights so often/quickly.
- Light the candles when it’s early in the morning or when it gets dark in the evening. It’s cozy and pleasant and you don’t have to turn on the lights as often.
- Always close the doors behind you, this way there will be less drafts and the heat will stay in the room longer.
I hope this article has inspired you to make small changes to save on your energy costs. I wish you good luck!
Read for more blog: Home to Relax and Unwind